Thursday, 20 March 2014


Here are my final 3 designs to take to my crit next week. Each one a slight variation. The first one uses the red and blue colour palette, has no logo on the spine and shows one idea of the placement of the text on the back cover, with also a variation on title placement too within the car. The second two show the same alternative text placement, but uses different colours and also different placements of the logo on the spine. My favourite design is the second, I feel that the red and blue cover reflects my concept ideas for it best. Also the text placement fits nicely through round the imagery. Regarding the placement of the logo, many of my peers have preferred it placed centrally as its more eye-catching and interesting that would stand out within a book shelf. Therefore I think my first choice design to submit is the second design followed by the third as the blue also aesthetically works well. i will talk to my tutor next week and see what he thinks and how to move forward.

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