Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Research Report Ideas

(Possible questions titles:)

- How has the rise of digital technology affected Illustration?

- How has digital technology affected Illustration and other creative field?

- Is the affect of digital era a positive upon Illustration?

- How has the impact of the digital transition of society affected Illustration and the arts?

- Has the digital era brought an end to illustration and the creative world?

 Extended Essay // 10,000 word option

Summary of Points:

I am interested in how society has transitioned through the digital era and therefore I want to look at how it has affected Illustration as well as other creative fields/the arts. Digital technology has had a great impact on many aspects of industry but focusing on just the artistic world, points that I want to include are:
  • Kindles/ iPads / E-books… affect on the Book Cover? Editorial Illustration? (Is there still a place for Illustrated book covers anymore? Articles also made to view on the Internet rather than physical page – completely different approach to artwork rather than just be looked at on the page…)
  • Digital Software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign… impact on the hand-drawn and traditional art? Digital painting etc. Also factor of not only enhancing imagery but manipulating? = what is the truth in imagery?
  • This impact on Photojournalism and Reportage Photography… how can you believe every thing you see? In the media especially.
  •  Apps, instagram etc. everyone has the capability to be an ‘artist’?
  • Impact on galleries and museums? Is there a place for the traditional? When you can just sit at a computer and see everything you want to find out about? Nostalgia...
  • How illustration has been used in design for a consumerist society? Paperchase, evolution...
  • Audience target age? Extremely accessible so are more people looking at art because it is more convenient and can sit at home and search?

I want to form sub-titles and create a number of sections/subjects to then talk and explore the question, which I want to spread over the 10,000 words option rather than 5,000 words. Come to a conclusion about the impact digital technology has had on Illustration and the arts, and whether this is a positive or negative one upon today’s society and the industry.

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