Tuesday 6 May 2014


Today Gina Cross came in and talked a little bit about Portfolios, regarding BA8 assessment and onwards after University. I signed up for two tutorials; one with Gina and one with Glyn just to talk over my portfolio so far, and also paired up with another student to discuss each other's projects and start story-boarding the final portfolio.

It was really good process, as although I had been thinking about my portfolio in the back of my mind, I had not properly sat down and arranged pieces and thought about what I really want to include. I will be putting in work from both of my projects and also the UEA Collaboration too. In discussion with Glyn, we decided that my portfolio should show the final outcomes and strong imagery of the projects, not showing a full linear development. This is because it can get quite repetitive and I have folders clearly labelled holding all my loose work in development, so it does not need to be repeated! Less is more. This what I need to keep reminding myself and not think that I need to fill up the portfolio!

My African project is starting to come along now. I think I have some strong character development established in ink and lino. It has come to a bit of a standstill as I have been focusing on other aspects of BA8, but now I just really need to push through. I plan for the end of this week to have planned my final outcomes for the project.

I also got some work printed from both Project 1 and 2 printed at A1 in the large format printing down in digital design which I have never done before. I chose to print on wallpaper as I have focused on surface design and pattern throughout my work, even though I did not end up pushing it forwards as a project as I initially planned, but showing my work in this different context also gives the work a different feel. I think they came out really well! It has made me think back to the Outsiders project... when thinking about the illustrations used for the cover to apply it to surface and poster design to go alongside the book jacket. The piece printed for the African folktales, a selection of figuritive heads - it has made me think about the exhibition. I think printing large contrasting to smaller pieces could work really well. I blowed up a smaller image to do this piece, and I think the size of the original heads work better, and if they weren't printed that size then multiplied on A1 or A0 I think it could create a great impact!

Overall, today was really good to give me sometime and look back over what I have done over BA8, what has been successful and how to show this through the portfolio and exhibition. Now I just need to keep going and get images printed in a higher quality for my portfolio!

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